I know that parents should let children learn from their own mistakes, but I think that these owl parents might have…uhm…pushed it a little over the edge, literally!
Hi there Mr. Parrot. Why are you blue? What about cute? And funny? Can you please answer? *blink blink*
I think it’s time she told them they were adopted…
Oh ho… Now I finally understand why it’s very useful to have a long neck, even if you have no brains… 😀
Hey, it that for free? I need a ride to the supermarket too…
Uhm… at nothing… it’s just that…uhm… there’s that duck behind you! Watch out, seems dangerous and pissed off! O_O
Hahahaha!! Love the elephant one!
cute-funny-bird-pictures. I like the long neck trying to hang on. Reminds me of my way of stumbling.
i love all of them but my favorite is the elephant and the owls
I don’t really get the owl thing can someone explain it to me? Please. But by the way the elephant is my favorite and I like the one where some bird is trying to eat the duck. LOL By the way how do you post your animal like dog or anything (real funny one) to this page??? PLEASE HELP…