Math and Memory Test

Test if you’re memory is not β€œfrozen”.

Count how many snowflakes of each type you see till
the end of this game.

There will be shown 3 types of snowflakes
which will come in diferent shapes.

But how many of each type?

Do you dare to try?
Good luck!

P.S. See the answer in the first comment…But don’t peek before you try it yourself!!! πŸ˜€

Math and Memory Test

Challenging Mind Game

This is a tricky mind game…What you have to do is find out which of the 4 lines ends at the FINISH point without encountering in the way arrows which point backwords…Meaning that If you start with red, for example, you follow the line and the direction of the arrows until an arrow points in the opposite direction, the one that you came from. Then you know that the path is wrong. There are just 4…and only one leads to the finish point without contradictions in the directions.
Statistics show that only 1 in about 10.000 people can find the right path without doing one of them twice! Are you among them? Is your brain able to focus more than 1 minute in confusing situations? It’s a challenge…try it.
The right answer is in the first comment of the post…to make sure you won’t see it before you try it πŸ˜€ Don’t cheat now! Good luck! πŸ˜‰


Challenging Mind Game

Psychology Test

Here is a simple, but very efficient personality test that every person should take. It deals with the hidden psychology of humans and reveals your true nature. You have to be honest with yourself, don’t read any line ahead.
Ok, now take a piece of paper and write down the answers for the following questions, looking at the image:

1. You like that shade of pink, like the hearts are? ( yes/no answer )
2. How many green squares do you see?
3. How many red circles do you see?
4. Are the check marks blue or black?

Psychology Test

Ok, here are your results:

1. You like/dislike that shade of pink
2. You can count quite well
3. You have enough patience to count quite well
4. You can distinguish colors, I’m proud of you πŸ™‚

Now, before you get angry and think that you wasted time with this (which you did.. :D), think of all those tests online that you took…you think that 95% of those are not invented? Maybe they spend a bit more time when making them, but the results are pretty much just as accurate as mine here…
Have a lovely day! πŸ˜€