Most Innocent Kitten Alive [cute video] June 24, 2011November 13, 2015Giulia TweetShareEmail TweetEmail This is beyond the power of my comprehention, all this cuteness! I want to hug it and pet it and cuddle it and take it home ♥ Related posts: Adorable Bi-Color Tabby Persian Kitten [cute video] Amazingly Cute Kitten Playing [funny video] Cute Kitten Falling Asleep Sitting Up [funny video] Cutest Kitten in the World [adorable video]
DDJuly 18, 2011 at 2:21 amPermalink Kittens are the cutest things ever. This video is cute times 100.
JaimeAugust 13, 2011 at 12:36 amPermalink Literally the cutest, sweetest, most adorable thing I’ve EVER SEEN! I want the kitty. Must have the kitty. What kind of cat is that anyway? Cuz I want one. Right now.
animals are good to eat
Kittens are the cutest things ever. This video is cute times 100.
crazy cute…i want one!
Literally the cutest, sweetest, most adorable thing I’ve EVER SEEN! I want the kitty. Must have the kitty. What kind of cat is that anyway? Cuz I want one. Right now.