Always, always, ALWAYS believe in yourself! You can be whatever you want to be, just ike this stallion hides in a miniature pony body 🙂
Animal Videos
Funny and cute videos with animals.
When Your Family is Trying to Put You on a Diet [funny cat video]
We All Know Someone “Special” [funny cat video]
Is That…A SPIDER? [funny cat video]
This is me when I think I see a spider in the corner of the ceiling.
Angry Squeaking Frog – Super Cute Animals [video]
He is throwing a tantrum! Ferocious!
Nothing Beats This Cuteness.Nothing. Ever. [doggy video]
Cutest Laughing Arctic Fox [funny video]
Gilbert the Cat is Essentially a Toddler [cute video]
One of Gilbert’s humans tries to convince him not to make holes in the curtain.