Because WebDesigners are Dog Persons [tx guys!]

Walked in to your desk as a regular lost pup, and this is how I walked out:

Because WebDesigners are Dog Persons [tx guys!]

Hilarious Kitten Playing [funny cat gif]

Hilarious Kitten Playing [funny cat gif]

Fluffs and Cuddles [kitten and dog]

Stop that monster!

This is so exciting!

My Plan for the Weekend

My Plan for the Weekend

Yes, I’m sorry, I’m too busy this weekend. I’ve planned something for a couple of weeks now, cannot postpone.

When You Really Love Attention [cute cat gif]

When You Really Love Attention [cute cat gif]

Cutest Thing in the Whole Wide World [baby goat]

I have not seen anything cuter in….FOREVER!!!!!

Cutest Thing in the Whole Wide World [baby goat]

5iZ3GDW - Imgur

When Your Last Hope Evaporates [adorable chinchilla gif]