Funny Giraffe Cartoon March 7, 2012March 7, 2012Giulia Just when you think things can’t get worse than they are…LOL
Peacocks Conversation [funny drawing] February 20, 2012Giulia Straight to the point, good job ladies! 😀
Cute Bunny Illustration [funny drawing] January 27, 2012Giulia No matter how pshycho you are…if you have the luck of being also adorable, it’s just some sort of adorable cute madness 😀
I Give You the Moon [cute illustration] December 15, 2011December 15, 2011Giulia No more words are needed… 🙂
Make Your Choice [dog and bunny comic] October 16, 2011October 16, 2011Giulia Most of the time, I go with the dog…after I while I freak out, looking at how clothes stop fitting well enough, and then I turn myself somehow into that bunny. LOL
Newspaper Dating Services Fail [funny comic] October 16, 2011Giulia So this applies perfectly here: be careful what you wish for, as you might just get it soon enough! 😀
Independence Day for Dogs [funny comic] October 16, 2011October 16, 2011Giulia Unfortunately, not all dogs can celebrate this. Don’t torture your pet, every living being has the right to a decent life!
Funny Penguin Playing with Dog’s Ear [cute gif] September 19, 2011Giulia Haha, this gif is so silly that it’s cute and funny 😀
Being Silly and Childish International Day [cute pug drawing] January 17, 2011January 17, 2011Giulia photo by Kyrara Happy Silliness Day! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Funny Mouse Drawing [cute image] January 12, 2011May 31, 2016Giulia photo by 96hakan There’s no “ping” from that mother-mouse 🙁 awww, poor little furry creature ♥