Owl with a Duck on the Head February 10, 2010Giulia There’s a duck on my head. See it? Get it off! Someone woke up grumpy today… and the poor duckling just wants affection… Ms. Owl over there doesn’t seem to care…
For My Friend December 9, 2009December 9, 2009Giulia Thank you for being my friend and making me smile so many times…
Swan Photo Shooting October 6, 2009Giulia “Yes, may I help you? Oh, sure, I love pictures!” And here is where this beautiful swan got, on FurryTalk :)Someone should send her this image, she’d be so proud, sharing it even with the ducks!
Mr. Duck Wants Some Doggy Attention September 4, 2009Giulia “Hey you there, look at me, I’m being cute, look, LOOK, I say, stupid DOG! ”