Today’s Love e-Card [cute chipmunk]
A Cute Little Ballerina [video]
Look at her go, spinning round and round and round…I bet that the treats are delicious!
Squirrel Offers Yellow Flower [cute photo]
Cute Love Poem and Funny Squirrel [adorable e-card]
All I Want for X-mas is You [cute squirrel e-card]
The best gift in the world is having someone dear close, wishing them happy holidays and putting smiles on one’s face.
Happy winter holidays my friends!
Never stop waiting, at the window, for the ones you love, like this little furry squirrel does.
If there’s no one to wait for this season, open your mind and look better outside… Maybe you need to see the world better.
And don’t forget to smile…like you mean it!
Happy winter holidays my friends!
Never stop waiting, at the window, for the ones you love, like this little furry squirrel does.
If there’s no one to wait for this season, open your mind and look better outside… Maybe you need to see the world better.
And don’t forget to smile…like you mean it!
Cute Squirrel Talking to a Tree [funny picture]
photo by Mattias Bergman
I hear voices sometimes too, but not from a tree like this cute squirrel does… I usually hear it from my boss, sneaking behind my office “Are you talking to imaginary animals again?! 😀
Itchy Squirrel Butt – Funny Picture
Sooo itchy! Maybe not quite the perfect spot to scratch in public, but we forgive squirrels because they are so cute, right?
Wanting to Gossip Squirrel
I have to say it, I have to! No, no, I can’t…
Cute Baby Squirrel
Chip, come already, i’m friizzing my tiny tail off