This is definitely one of the cutest and most famous cats on the internet: Maru. I strongly believe that the box is not deep enough for him…LOOL, too damn funny and cute!
This cat is really beautiful, with a a healthy thick grey fur, but really sad eyes… maybe it is walking in circles, as cats are known for chasing their tail 😀
Awww, adorable tiny bunny! He’s so fluffy and cute and squeezable! How can he ever be guilty of something else but illegal cuteness?! I had a bunny too, when I turned 18, as a present from the colleagues. he ate mom’s special rose and he had to go 😀
Goats are funny looking animals, acting all silly and climbing up wherever they can. So don’t get fooled by this sweet looking guy here, he’s all innocent now, but wait until the horns start growing 😀
Not only humans have pets, you know… this is one of the most tender and adorable pictures I’ve ever seen online:darling baby raccoon protecting his tortoise pet.