Oh wooow! 😮 Cool teddy!
Animal Videos
Funny and cute videos with animals.
Cats of Arabia: Episode 1 [touching video]
Some very good hearted people make this world a better place! A beautiful story with a happy ending! 🙂
One Brave and Hungry Fox [video]
Poor thing. Mother nature wasn’t very gentle with this fox, that it came to the point that it forgot its wild animal pride.
PetthingZ – Cutest Talking Christmas Present Ever [video]
Christmas is near! We all want to give the best possible presents to our loved ones. It is really hard to get it right, but what’s more, it is really hard to wrap it right! Especially when the gift will not stop talking while you are wrapping it!
Determined Kitten Tries to Get Dalmatian’s Attention [cute video]
This kitty would do right about anything for attention 😀 well worth it!
Love and Kisses and Cuddles – no limits! [budgie video]
Love has no limits for this tiny bird and his sweetheart toy!
Cannot Make Sense of It [funny dog with egg]
Is this the egg dance? 😀
Funny Kitten Steals Money [hilarious video]
Watch out whom you host into your home. The next thing you know, it steals your shoes and make-up! 😀
Thanks to Cristi.
My Scottish Fold Does Nothing, He’s Just Cute [cat video]
For the ones of you who don’t know, this is Charlie. This isn’t one of those very special moments when you see a cat doing extraordinary things that might not be ever again seen in a life time. But he’s cute. And he’s mine. And I love him ♥
BeeBee the Chihuahua — AMAZING Wheelchair Dog! [video]
A real champion!