I hope not, ’cause it’s taken now 😀 Cute and curious little nose it has!
I Love You More Kittens [cute photo]
Cute Kitten in the Grass [adorable photo]
photo by hegekristin89
It is hard to tell if that red stripe on the nose of this kitten is from the “weeds” allergy, or just a good behaviour mark, like all kids have 😀
Cat Waiting for the Weekend [funny photo]
The Dancing Instinct [funny dog photo]
Dog Swimming All Confused [funny video]
This dog might have a hearing problem, since it cannot find its way back to the caller. Or maybe he’s just there simply to make us laugh, acting all silly and cute. Animals play too!
Make Your Choice [dog and bunny comic]
Independence Day for Dogs [funny comic]
Fox Licking Window [funny video]
What’s gotten into that fox?! LOL, maybe it longs for some ice-cream, but as i see things, it’ll get only a scream if the tongue gets stuck on that frozen piece of glass.