20 of the most Adorable and Cute Baby Bunny Pictures

The rabbit is for sure one of the cutest and furriest pet one can have. Despite their reputation of being always scared, they can get REALLY friendly and loving, if looked after properly. I had a bunny once. I received him as a present for my 18th birthday, from all my class mates in high-school. He was such a darling, white with some black spots and came in a cute box with a ribbon tied around his neck.
Unfortunately, I only got to keep him for 2 weeks, since he ate my mom’s favourite plant… 😀
The following posts presents 20 pictures of little bunny rabbits, all cute and fluffy! Enjoy!


Baby Bunny

Baby Bunny

photo by amyhrer

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A Black Furball – Cute Cat Picture

A Black Furball - Cute Cat Picture

Everything is round in this picture. It’s just that some things are black, some are green. And the whole package is extremely cute! I must confess that having such a cutie would turn anyone into a slave, doing cuddly stuff and scratching bellies all day long!