Animals Love Pink [15 wonderful photos]

Animals are usually cute beings and people like to make their pets look even more cute: dresses, ribbons, collars, etc. All sorts of things that you wouldn’t even guess!

But some of them are, like they say, “naturals”, and look good in any color even if it’s in nature and not “designed” in advance for them. In this series, you’ll see 15 such beautiful examples: animals and pink! Result: cuteness and beauty!

Sunrise Friends

Sunrise Friends

photo by AimishBoy


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Cute Little Baby Goats to Cheer You Up [15 photos]

No matter where they come from, what part of the globe, baby goats are always adorable and playful. Long ears, short snouts, tiny ears and long legs, brown, white or black, they are all, without exception, very playful and adorable.

So here’s a collection of 15 such examples to cheer you up and make your day brighter.

Hey, Look at Me!

Hey, Look at Me!


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15 Adorable and Special Photos of the Elephant Shrew

These cute looking mammals are called “elephant shrews” or “jumping shrews” and they are native from Africa. Despite of their appearance as a small rodent, they are in fact insectivorous mammals that can vary in size and color: different shades of grey and brown and can grow to be from 10 to 30 centimeters.

Amazingly enough, they have quite big teeth and believe it or not, they even own a DENTAL FORMULA! How’s that for an interesting animal? 😀 I want one so badly!

Cute Elephant Shrew

Cute Elephant Shrew


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Untouched Nature and the Sound of Silence [peaceful video]

Coming from, this showcase was selected by me, and put together in this wonderful video by my friend Julien. He also picked the wonderful music. All in all, this is a video for the soul.
Take some time to listen to the music, breath deeply, look at the breath-taking wonders of nature, relax and enjoy!

5 Adorable Puppies [cute pictures]

Cute round eyes, wet tiny nose, fluffy paws and innocent look…and then you wonder why you can’t get mad when they chew on your favorite pair of shoes! 😀
Enjoy these 5 pictures of some of the most adorable puppies ever!

Cute as a button

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10 Adorable in-Love Animals [cute pictures]

14th of February, a significant day for every in love person, from almost all over this planet. But aren’t animals entitled to sharing this wonderful feeling?! Every pet owner or animal lover knows that our furry friends are capable of unconditioned, devoted and true love. That’s exactly why this showcase is dedicated to them and to all those who love. Enjoy!

♥ ♥ ♥


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10 Fluffy and Cute Ducklings [lovely photos]

This collection doesn’t need any special introduction, it’s all about the cuteness of these ducklings. 10 photos, lots of tiny fluffy creatures, you decide who enters top 3 😛



photo by Jcmilo

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