![Baby Blue Winter Greetings [cute photo]](http://www.furrytalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/cute_winter_couple.jpg)
Meet Yoky [the charity balloon dog]
I know that most people hate clowns, but I’ve met one who was special…He created Yoky. And he creates dozens of balloon figurines per day, for charity and fund raising purposes. He also offers a smile to sick children by making squeeky balloon toys, on the hospital halls.
Thank you mister clown. You’re awesome!
Thank you mister clown. You’re awesome!
Cute Blue Bird [photography]
Animals Love Blue [15 wonderful photos]
Here is another lovely showcase of 15 photos from the series “Animals Love…” This time you can admire animals, terrestrial and aquatic, on a blue environment. Enjoy!
Stella Blue Charm
photo by Gintare P.
Sparky the Budgie is Home Safe & Well [darling video]
What a darling little bird! It seems to be very happy. Impossible to stay sad in the room when you hear him “talking” to himself in the mirror! Lucky owners, must love the budgie a lot.
Beautiful Husky Loves You [cute picture]
Oscar Wilde Quote [wise words and beautiful photo]
Beyond Adorable Fox Cub [amazing photography]
Beautifully Coloured Chicks [funny picture]
Amazing Cat Eyes, Natural – Different Colors of Life [picture]
Life is sometimes a view. It’s how we create it, how we see it, how we want it to be. Maybe not ideal at all times, but a person dies slowly when tv becomes a guru, when one doesn’t read, listen to music, take walks, enjoy small things… Life always comes as a package of joys and sorrows, it’s up to us what we focus on more.