Weird but Cute Animal: The Tarsier – 20 Pictures

Tarsiers are one of the smallest primates, measuring only 85 to 160 millimetres (3.35 to 6.30 in) in height which makes them one of the smallest primates. One can find them on the islands of Southeast Asia, in Philippine. They weigh between 80 and 160 grams, so an adult Tarsier is about the size of a human fist. They are shy nocturnal animals, usually sleeping during the day in hidden places and coming out at night to hunt for insects.
They have these particularly big eyes, compared to their body size and that’s why sometimes they appear as being freaky or scary. But they are, in fact, adorable furry creatures and this is why i decided to show you 20 pictures of this lovely animal. Enjoy 🙂



photo by roxj


Tarsier with Huge Eyes

Tarsier with Huge Eyes

photo by faith-hope-love


Tarsy the Tarsier

Tarsy the Tarsier

photo by aliaharkonnen


Tarsier Hidding

Tarsier Hidding

photo by blacksheepwall


Evil Looking Tarsier

Evil Looking Tarsier

photo by Ibrahim-K


Cute Tarsier

Cute Tarsier

photo by lilreaper


I See You

I See You

photo by Dagger-Baileys


Tarsier in Bohol

Tarsier in Bohol

photo by UNIKS


Sleepy Tarsier

Sleepy Tarsier

photo by zeerocks


Mr. Tarsier

Mr. Tarsier

photo by theambivalentmind


A Tarsier on His Branch

A Tarsier on His Branch

photo by lennyconil


Funny Tarsier

Funny Tarsier

photo by pauldy




photo by edjkinz


Lunch Time

Lunch Time

photo by yourex-loverisJa


Master Yoda

Master Yoda

photo by yudantow




photo by sweetntoxic


Tarsier in Bohol, Philippines

Tarsier in Bohol, Philippines

photo by Roberto Verzo


Philippine Tarsier

Philippine Tarsier

photo by when milko shoots


Tarsier Eyes

Tarsier Eyes

photo by Erwin Bolwidt




photo by carlossg


Celtic Realm – Bald and Skinny Guinea Pig

Celtic Realm - Bald Guinea Pig

photo by bivoir

I are bald… 🙁

Celtic Realm was a Baldwin, one of the 2 species of hairless guinea pig. Baldwin’s are born fully haired and gradually lose their hair completely from weaning… A Skinny Pig is the other species… They are born with only a small amount of hair, normally on their nose and feet. They are very sweet animals but unfortunately in Australia, the breed is very weak and they rarely live past a couple of months.
The following picture is the skinny pig.


Celtic Realm - Bald and Skinny Guinea Pig

photo by bivoir

Frog Freak

Frog Freak

Weird breed of frog discovered in N-V Romania. About 12 centimeters long, this unusual frog has its body covered with some sort of green…fur on the back, turning slightly into a darker brownish color. As this was the only individual discovered with such a body dysfunctionality, the researchers still try to find out which caused it…Maybe pollution, there were some rumors. But no clear news so far.