Military Strategy Cat [funny gif] March 11, 2013March 11, 2013Giulia Aham, aham. Done. True. This I knows. Have to…finish this…before slaves arrive. Have to learn to control.
Morning Coffee is a Must [funny dog photo] March 5, 2013March 5, 2013Giulia So sleepy…it feels like every morning is Monday morning lately. This can only mean two things: 1. Coffee is needed ASAP. 2. A vacation is required!
Don’t Panic, Organise! [good advice] February 27, 2013February 27, 2013Giulia Wise words here. Short and concise, all together good advice!
Charlie and the Soap Bubbles [cute cat video] February 25, 2013Giulia My Scottish Fold absolutely loves soap bubbles :)) He would wake up from the deepest nap to come see them.
How I Learned to Mind My Own Business [humor] February 21, 2013February 21, 2013Giulia Curiosity is sometimes too much to bare…but be careful about the consequences :)))
Funniest Horse Act Ever! [video] February 15, 2013Giulia Tommie Turvey and his horse, Pokerjoe perform the comedy act “the Riding Instructor”. Amazing, huh?
Fluffy Cat Annoyed [funny photo] February 3, 2013February 3, 2013Giulia So that was the moment when I stepped out. Never again. ‘t waz awful, but I stood tall and brave against the killing wind. No. Never again.