I bet this is a female cat 😀
Dog Brings Home a Raccoon [cute photo]
Time to Nom Nomm [heart-melting bunnies]
Lazy Sunday Afternoon Kitty [cute photography]
In the Spotlight [cute Scottish Fold cat]
Funny Kitten Steals Money [hilarious video]
Watch out whom you host into your home. The next thing you know, it steals your shoes and make-up! 😀
Thanks to Cristi.
Adorable Chubby Guinea Pig [photo]
Because We All Love Bunnies [adorable photos]
Funny Tomato Dog [cute photo]
My Scottish Fold Does Nothing, He’s Just Cute [cat video]
For the ones of you who don’t know, this is Charlie. This isn’t one of those very special moments when you see a cat doing extraordinary things that might not be ever again seen in a life time. But he’s cute. And he’s mine. And I love him ♥