I hate to think about Mondays too…in the meantime, i shall practice this yoga position, maybe it actually helps.
New Pet in the House [funny fish photo]
Adorable Hamster Gets Shot and Pretends to be Dead [video]
Adorable hamster plays dead. No hamsters were hurt in the making of this film. If you’ll like to help this hamster with his acting career, you can click the like button and share this video.
A Great Offer: Hedgehog and Strawberry [cute photo]
Baby and His Cat [cute video]
That is one patient cat! The toddler is sooo sweet, all happy and loving with the kitty who is obviously not very amused by the situation 😀
Sweetest Meows in the World [adorable kitten video]
Not only that this is one of the cutest kittens in the world, but it also meows like a little innocent angel. I am melting, truly ♥
Funny Dog Tilts Head [cute gif]
Cute Bunny Washing Her Face and Ears [video]
Bumble Bee loves to groom herself, and all day long too! She’s a clean bunny!
Cute Bunny Takes a Shower [funny video]
What a good bunny! He’s going to be all clean and adorable! Imagine the fluff ball he’s going to turn into once hair-dried! 😀