Ladies and gentlemen, we have the honor of presenting the glamorous Louis Birdoin collection of Autum-Winter!!! Enjoy our beautiful models!
Tiny Black Puppy [cute photo]
Adorable Baby Chinchilla Being Bottle Fed [cute photo]
Adorable Chinchilla Kiss [beautiful picture]
Adorable Puppy with Pink Glasses [cute picture]
Adorable Baby Bunnies [cute photos]
So Very Cute You Are
Cute Dwarf Hamster with Life Issues [funny photo]
Magic Dust [beautiful poem and picture]
Had I only known, how you felt that day…
But you never told me, and I walked away.
I was just a child, you were more mature
Everything was foggy, all I saw was blur.
But you never told me, and I walked away.
I was just a child, you were more mature
Everything was foggy, all I saw was blur.