I have no idea what this little animal is, but I want it SO badly! Can someone please provide one? Looks all cute and tiny ♥
Cute Little Bunny Nibbling Dandelion [adorable gif]
Funny Karate Bear [weird photo]
African Animals Getting Drunk From Ripe Marula Fruit [funny video]
Everyone likes a good party and when that happens even without you knowing it, it’s even more fun! Who says wild animals can’t party? Look at them go! Hilarious 😀
Tiny White Hamster Giving Hugs [adorable photo]
Cute Black Kitten in the Sink [sweet photo]
Cute Baby Pug [3 cute photos]
The Ball is MINE
Talking Cat Has Issues [scary and funny video]
Some people might find this scary, but I find it quite pitiful. The poor cat has an issue and nobody seems to understand what the problem is, poor soul! ♥
Merry Christmas Present Pug [cute card]
photo by garnettrules21
“Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. ” – Calvin Coolidge