Wooohooo! Look at me! Here I go in the fileds! up and down, up and down! A dog’s life is great!
Cat Sitting on 2 Legs Like a Human [incredible video]
Wow! Have a you ever seen a cat that can do this? I mean, it stands like that for several seconds, on the tip of its behind legs…I’m impressed, I must say. Something must have made it very curious.
Aiming High [funny chick photo]
Happy Chubby Chipmunk [cute picture]
Cat on the Door, Chasing Flying Mouse
“What?!? Hazen’t you see the flying mouse too?”
Uhm…well, to be honest, I didn’t see that mouse, but that cat doesn’t look very same there. I can see her ambitions, but I’d rather have her chasing mice on the floor 😀