This cat has discovered something really bizzare… A screaming frog! It is probably a defense mechanism, but watch how when the menacing paw approaces, the frog producesand ear piercing sound…
Animal Videos
Funny and cute videos with animals.
Cute Dog Rides a Turtle – Video
Hope is a very friendly and playful dog and he found the perfect friend: his name is Carl and he’s a turtle. Sometimes they hang out together, taking walks and chitchatting, like animals do… But sometimes I get the feeling that this friendship is based on interest, as Hope has become a kinda lazy lately… Or maybe Carl decided to work out and get more muscular and Hope is helping… I can’t tell for you. You decide!
How to Annoy a Silly Dog – Video
How to annoy a dog: tell him that you feel like the house is a little too quiet and you decided to adopt a cat, then watch how he will never shut up…
Baby Owls Rescued From Being Crushed – Video
A pair of fluffy owl siblings were almost crushed to death there was a nest built on top of them. The tiny Tawny chicks had their nest engulfed when the larger birds decided they made for perfect soft bedding. But the plucky birds were rescued by animal experts from the Scottish SPCA, who said they found them “left for dead”.
Cool Dog Plays Fetch With Himself – Video
This cute dog’s owner has built a machine which tosses balls so the little guy can play fetch with himself all day long. Look at him go, over and over again! A dog’s life without a play mate is only boring if you are a dull non-creative doggy 😀
The Dog Hero – Video
A Cat that Can’t Stand Its Tail – Video
This cat’s name is Tonto and it obviously has some serious issues with…its tail. Yea, quite understandable. I mean, who gave Tonto a tail and why? Couldn’t he/she see that it’s only getting in the way of things? Why does he need a tail? Now that’s just silly! Let’s watch Tonto trying to get rid of it! 😀
Sneezing Baby Bear Video
Bless his little soul! Haha, this is one weird tiny sneezing bear… I think it caught a cold. Or maybe it has a serious allergy, because that sneezing is quite… uhm… intense, to put it like that. Anyway, very cute and funny, right?
Unlikely Animal Friends: Dog and Duck Video
This is what happens when a 4 month old lab and wood duck grow up together. You get some extra humor and cuteness in your house 😀