Some Things are Meant to be Loved – Cutest Duckling Picture

photo by Cayene

There are some things in life that just make you stop and stare. Stare some more and smile. Then you take a few steps, look back and smile again. Then you move on for real and forget about it, being trapped in the daily problems’ web. And you go to sleep and at night a special image comes into your mind… It’s the image that makes you smile and makes the world a better place.

Beautiful Spring Birdy Picture (postcard)

Beautiful Spring Birdy Picture (postcard)

photo by Mirror_Lake

Spring is the season of coming back to life, of enjoying bright beautiful colors and the mild sunshine! Spring is a season of joy and love, of care and appreciation. I wish you a beautiful spring and may all your days bloom like the cherry trees in spring!

Cute Funny Bird Pictures

Cute Funny Bird Pictures

I know that parents should let children learn from their own mistakes, but I think that these owl parents might have…uhm…pushed it a little over the edge, literally!


Cute Funny Bird Pictures

Hi there Mr. Parrot. Why are you blue? What about cute? And funny? Can you please answer? *blink blink*


Cute Funny Bird Pictures

I think it’s time she told them they were adopted…


Cute Funny Bird Pictures

Oh ho… Now I finally understand why it’s very useful to have a long neck, even if you have no brains… 😀


Cute Funny Bird Pictures

Hey, it that for free? I need a ride to the supermarket too…


Cute Funny Bird Pictures

Uhm… at nothing… it’s just that…uhm… there’s that duck behind you! Watch out, seems dangerous and pissed off! O_O

Rooster in Love with Flamingo Bird

Rooster in Love with Flamingo Bird

It is said that the one who loves least controls the relationship… So I’m guessing the flamingo loves least, because the rooster makes a fool out of himself… It is also said that love is a serious mental disease. Need comments on it? 😀 But all in all, Janos Arany said that “In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.”

Happy Ostrich Weekend

Happy Ostrich Weekend

photo by ucumari

“Hello! The weekend is coming! SMILE !”

I’m not sure if an ostrich can make a good pet. They don’t look that “fluffy”, but I am sure that they are hilarious! But then again, not everybody wants a fluffy pet! Still, if you decide to get one and you live in an apartment, make sure it gets a separate room… And no weekend walks! They just go coocoo! 😉