Time for plaaaay! 😀 They are all a team and have one precise goal: the Otters team against the butterfly! GO!
Huge White Geese Crowd [hilarious photo]
Baby Elephant Following Mom in Deep Water [funny photo]
Silly Baby Ducks Following Yoyo [funny video]
This should make them really dizzy! After they stop following the YoYo, who knows, they might start to bark 😀 Hypnotization is no joke, really!
Cute Funny Bird Pictures
I know that parents should let children learn from their own mistakes, but I think that these owl parents might have…uhm…pushed it a little over the edge, literally!
Hi there Mr. Parrot. Why are you blue? What about cute? And funny? Can you please answer? *blink blink*
I think it’s time she told them they were adopted…
Oh ho… Now I finally understand why it’s very useful to have a long neck, even if you have no brains… 😀
Hey, it that for free? I need a ride to the supermarket too…
Uhm… at nothing… it’s just that…uhm… there’s that duck behind you! Watch out, seems dangerous and pissed off! O_O
Rooster in Love with Flamingo Bird
It is said that the one who loves least controls the relationship… So I’m guessing the flamingo loves least, because the rooster makes a fool out of himself… It is also said that love is a serious mental disease. Need comments on it? 😀 But all in all, Janos Arany said that “In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.”