Best Wishes for My Friends in Spring [beautiful bird picture]

I won’t write any poems or special quotes…I just want to thank all my friends for sticking around and being nice to me. The spring is coming here and the sun shines again… So I’m sending my best wishes, a beautiful delicate bird picture and many smiles.


photo by Guido Franssens

Will you be my Valentine? [beautiful poem and image]

Words can tell what hearts divine
This most romantic time of year:
So will you be my Valentine?
I’ll be yours if you’ll be mine
Till golden moon meets midnight drear.
For words can tell what hearts divine

When air’s perfume and water’s wine,
And cupids hover at one’s ear:
So will you be my Valentine?

And do we feelings dare define
In phrases adamant and clear?
For words can tell what hearts divine,

And souls can step across a line
On days when angels wait to cheer:
So will you be my Valentine?
Ah, love! Let love this one day shine
On fancies lush and passions sheer!
For words can tell what hearts divine:
So will you be my Valentine?