The 25 Most Cute and Funny Otters Ever Seen

Hi and welcome! Here’s something really really cute and special for you today! OTTERS! Yes, some of the the most adorable, lovable, funny and sweet otters you’ve ever seen! We know that they are semi-aquatic fish-eating mammals and now we will also know some of their daily activities, which involve acting funny and being cute.
😀 Enjoy!


Yummy Fishie

Yummy Fishie

author: Tambako the Jaguar


Hungry Otters

Hungry Otters

author: greenwood100


Let’s Eat the Fish Before Others Take it


author: Tambako the Jaguar


Otter Funny Face

Otter Funny Face

author: nhpanda


Eurasian Otter

Eurasian Otter

author: Daniel Tamarjan


I Haz a Can

I Haz a Can

author: ssinkblot


Laughing Otter

Laughing Otter

author: SearchNetMedia




author: jellywatson


Funny Otters

Funny Otters

author: Look-aa


What is this Rubbish?

What is this Rubbish?

author: Boogleoogle


Cute Funny Otter

Cute Funny Otter

author: Look-aa


Thats five bucks a picture PAL!!

Thats five bucks a picture PAL!!

author: photo_newbi


Otters are so Funny

Otters are so Funny

author: majeranek


Let us Pray…

Let us Pray...

author: melissa


Inner Peace

Inner Peace

author: Kenya’s Photos


Tough Meat

Tough Meat

author: TimOve


North American Otter

North American Otter

author: the longhairedgit




author: Art-Photo


Light Otter

Light Otter

author: donnarachel13


Silly Otter

Silly Otter

author: CoupeKid


River Otter: Yawn

River Otter: Yawn

author: Reixed


Curious Otter

Curious Otter

author: threepointonefour


VanAqua Otter

VanAqua Otter

author: celticgirl33


Asian Otter

Asian Otter

author: notaeb


River Otter

River Otter

author: sixstring


Cheeky Guinea Pig

Cheeky Guinea Pig

photo by bivoir

I shows you mine,
you showz me yourz!

Dr Dibbles was kind enough to present to us one piece of work, consisting in a soft pink material, with a shiny look and very sensitive. That’s right, you guessed, it’s the tongue. Now… who’s next in this game? 😀