Cat Arranges Dog’s Collar – Cute Funny Picture

Cat Arranges Dog's Collar - Cute Funny Picture

Here’s a sweet example on how everyone should be getting along juuuust fine! Well, if we do look better, though, we can actually see that Jasper looks a little skeptical or even angry at Kitty there, who perhaps is not trying to help with the collar, but paw it off for good! You know what I mean?!?

Alien Cat and Confused Dog – Funny and Cute Picture

Alien Cat and Confused Dog - Funny and Cute Picture

Uhm… there’s a… thing at the door, it has 3 eyes! But it looks like it’s a common guest, so it should have a name. Maybe “The Alien Cat with 3 Eyes”?! LOL, I’m out of inspiration for this one, so you write a better caption/explanation in a comment”

Mystical Love – Gorgeous Poem and Picture

Mystical Love - Gorgeous Poem and Picture


Your skin glows like a fresh cherry,
Blossoms tasty as the rose in the purest hope of spring.
My heart follows your crystal clear voice
And leaps like a young colt at the whisper of your name.
The evening floats in on a great butterfly wing.
I am comforted by your hat that I carry into the twilight of songbeams.
I hold next to my lips.
I am filled with hope that I may dry your tears of sorrow.
As my eyes fall from my old scarf, it reminds me of your love.
In the quiet, I listen for the last note of the day.
My heated arms leap to yours.
I wait in the moonlight for our secret sign
So that we may run as one, arms to arms,
In search of the magnificent, pure and mystical love.

Prairie Dog with a Carrot

Prairie Dog with a Carrot

“Is thiz carrot still good, I wonder… Now where does they put the expiration dates nowadays…?”

Here’s an example of an animal concerned by a healthy life: eating veggies, checking for expiration dates and acting cute. Is there anything else that we want from such a furry creature? Maybe to pet it… 😀