Easter is a promise God renews to us in each spring. May the promise of Easter fill your heart with peace and joy! Happy Easter!
Cute Happy Birthday Card [glittering graphic]
Fat Cat Exercising [cute and hilarious gif photo]
5 GIFs: Cats and Dogs [funny and cute animations]
Have some fun with these 5 cute animated GIF images! Cats and dogs, both great pets, acting funny over and over again! 😀
Swinging Doggy
Cute Playful Baby Panda [animated picture]
Men vs. Women Evolution [funny animated gif image]
Beautiful “Thinking of You” E-Card
copyright regards.com free ecards
Cute Guinea Pig Sniffing – Funny Animated Picture
O_o No waaay, I showered this very morning! Can’t be “pffeowing” at me!
Cute Animated Hamster Gif
Oh, what a sweet darling! ♥