When You Really Love Attention [cute cat gif]

When You Really Love Attention [cute cat gif]

When Everything Else Goes Wrong [relaxing photo]

There are those days…ah, just those darn days! Nothing works as planned, or even worse – everything works exactly the opposite! And there’s no plan B..or C or D, for that matter… You see no way in which things can get better and the deadline was yesterday. You hate that ringtone you used to love, just because it’s stuck in your brain non-stop now and you can’t even tell when it really rings or it’s just your imagination.

When Everything Else Goes Wrong [relaxing photo]

Best thing you can do is go home, turn off the phone and grab a good book. Get comfortable in bed. Call your cat and pet it like there’s no tomorrow. This is what I do. It works. For a short time, but it does. Otherwise you might be tempted to cook and burn down the kitchen. or shop and spend all your money. Or maybe accept that dating invite from God knows whom you’ve been hiding from!

Cat Napping between Christmas Lights [cute card]

photo by UniqueNudes

“Wish you all A Merry Christmas,
May the Joys of the season
Fill your heart with goodwill and cheer.
May the chimes of Christmas glory
Add up more shine and spread
Smiles across the miles,
Today & In the New Year.” – -Rosie Cash