10 Adorable in-Love Animals [cute pictures]

14th of February, a significant day for every in love person, from almost all over this planet. But aren’t animals entitled to sharing this wonderful feeling?! Every pet owner or animal lover knows that our furry friends are capable of unconditioned, devoted and true love. That’s exactly why this showcase is dedicated to them and to all those who love. Enjoy!

♥ ♥ ♥


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Celtic Realm – Bald and Skinny Guinea Pig

Celtic Realm - Bald Guinea Pig

photo by bivoir

I are bald… 🙁

Celtic Realm was a Baldwin, one of the 2 species of hairless guinea pig. Baldwin’s are born fully haired and gradually lose their hair completely from weaning… A Skinny Pig is the other species… They are born with only a small amount of hair, normally on their nose and feet. They are very sweet animals but unfortunately in Australia, the breed is very weak and they rarely live past a couple of months.
The following picture is the skinny pig.


Celtic Realm - Bald and Skinny Guinea Pig

photo by bivoir

Cheeky Guinea Pig

Cheeky Guinea Pig

photo by bivoir

I shows you mine,
you showz me yourz!

Dr Dibbles was kind enough to present to us one piece of work, consisting in a soft pink material, with a shiny look and very sensitive. That’s right, you guessed, it’s the tongue. Now… who’s next in this game? 😀