oh oh….I would move my butt out of their pool before that “pool” cleaning crew arrives…
Other Animals
other furry and cute animals
Cute Baby Otter Held in Palms [funny photo]
Cute Little Baby Goats to Cheer You Up [15 photos]
No matter where they come from, what part of the globe, baby goats are always adorable and playful. Long ears, short snouts, tiny ears and long legs, brown, white or black, they are all, without exception, very playful and adorable.
So here’s a collection of 15 such examples to cheer you up and make your day brighter.
Hey, Look at Me!
15 Adorable and Special Photos of the Elephant Shrew
These cute looking mammals are called “elephant shrews” or “jumping shrews” and they are native from Africa. Despite of their appearance as a small rodent, they are in fact insectivorous mammals that can vary in size and color: different shades of grey and brown and can grow to be from 10 to 30 centimeters.
Amazingly enough, they have quite big teeth and believe it or not, they even own a DENTAL FORMULA! How’s that for an interesting animal? 😀 I want one so badly!
Cute Elephant Shrew
Dwarf Turtle Attacks Strawberry [funny photo]
Twin Fox Cubs Acting Silly [cute photo]
15 Beautiful White Animals [special photos]
Nature has the gift of colors. All around us, plants and animals are beautifully coloured, to emphasize certain characteristics or camouflage abilities. But what happens when neture decides that pure white is the most suited colour for some animals? Here’s a collection of 15 such beautiful examples!
Cute White Puppy
Funny Otters Following Butterflies [adorable video]
Time for plaaaay! 😀 They are all a team and have one precise goal: the Otters team against the butterfly! GO!
Little Box of Cute Sloths [adorable video]
Here’s a box of sloth babies that are being put to bed in their incubator for the night. Adorable little guys!