All I Want for X-mas is You [cute squirrel e-card]

The best gift in the world is having someone dear close, wishing them happy holidays and putting smiles on one’s face.
Happy winter holidays my friends!
Never stop waiting, at the window, for the ones you love, like this little furry squirrel does.
If there’s no one to wait for this season, open your mind and look better outside… Maybe you need to see the world better.
And don’t forget to smile…like you mean it!

For a Delightful Day [cute dog offering flower – picture]

Every flower has its petals, like every day had its dreams. The cold season doesn’t kill flowers for good, it just prepares them for the future spring, when the delicate plants revive brighter and stronger than in fall.
Bad experiences shouldn’t kill our dreams, but make us aim even higher, as we become wiser. If that won’t happen, we’ll be living in a continuous cold winter…

Special Friends – Cat and Mouse [cute picture]

Friendship is one soul in two different bodies. Remember please, animals don’t kill for fun, they kill for food… And there will always be a special someone standing out of the crowd, like this beautiful cat. You can stand out of the crowd among humans… 🙂