10 Amazing and Cute Fennec Foxes [photography]

These cute little guys, the Fennec Foxes, can be found in the Sahara Desert and they are nocturnal animals. As you’ll see in the following photos, they have a very distinctive feature: unusual large ears. They are the smallest species of the canidae (wolves, dogs, foxes, coyotes…) family and have amazingly adapted to the rough climate conditions.
If we were to think of the Fennec Fox in a FurryTalk manner, we’d say they are tiny and furry Dumbos, ready to take off any minute 😀 Really special and cute, aren’t they?


Fennec Fox: Like a Good Guy

Fennec Fox: Like a Good Guy

photo by woxys

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Cute Baby Sugar Gliders Pictures

photo by islandbum


Every being has a soul and needs attention…

photo by elyse patten


Every soul needs comfort and love…

photo by cyborgsuzy


Having a pet is not like having a toy…

photo by stfnihippo


Having a pet is like having a good friend…

photo by La-Vie-DelSol


And it only needs what it can give…unconditioned love ♥

Cute Ferret in Dead Sleep – amazing video

“He’s dead, he’s dead!!!” Sometimes ferrets sleep so soundly that they seem to be dead. You can pick them up, shake them, pinch their toes, or thump them on the chest, and they hang from your hand as limp as rags, with their eyes closed. About the time you have run to the car on the way to the nearest emergency veterinary clinic, the ferret sleepily opens its eyes and looks innocently around, wondering what is going on.
source pet edication

Chubby Mutated Giraffe – Funny Picture

Chubby Mutated Giraffe - Funny Picture

photo by solaris

This is why animals are way better in the wild, chewing on leaves and grass, even dried out straws. This is why we need vacations in a non-touristic area every now and then. Also, this is why we should all have a little vegetable garden…
Cute and funny, but if we think deeper, also kinda tragic, right?