15 Adorable and Special Photos of the Elephant Shrew

These cute looking mammals are called “elephant shrews” or “jumping shrews” and they are native from Africa. Despite of their appearance as a small rodent, they are in fact insectivorous mammals that can vary in size and color: different shades of grey and brown and can grow to be from 10 to 30 centimeters.

Amazingly enough, they have quite big teeth and believe it or not, they even own a DENTAL FORMULA! How’s that for an interesting animal? 😀 I want one so badly!

Cute Elephant Shrew

Cute Elephant Shrew


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10 Amazing and Cute Fennec Foxes [photography]

These cute little guys, the Fennec Foxes, can be found in the Sahara Desert and they are nocturnal animals. As you’ll see in the following photos, they have a very distinctive feature: unusual large ears. They are the smallest species of the canidae (wolves, dogs, foxes, coyotes…) family and have amazingly adapted to the rough climate conditions.
If we were to think of the Fennec Fox in a FurryTalk manner, we’d say they are tiny and furry Dumbos, ready to take off any minute 😀 Really special and cute, aren’t they?


Fennec Fox: Like a Good Guy

Fennec Fox: Like a Good Guy

photo by woxys

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Rooster in Love with Flamingo Bird

Rooster in Love with Flamingo Bird

It is said that the one who loves least controls the relationship… So I’m guessing the flamingo loves least, because the rooster makes a fool out of himself… It is also said that love is a serious mental disease. Need comments on it? 😀 But all in all, Janos Arany said that “In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.”